How I educate parents on sensory perception
Seeing the progress my students make is something that truly fulfills me. This progress often doesn’t come easy. My students
123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001
Experience the diverse and unique challenges faced by individuals on the autism spectrum, fostering empathy and awareness.
Step into the shoes of someone with autism, promoting a more inclusive society by breaking down barriers and encouraging acceptance.
Provide aspiring professionals with invaluable insights and hands-on experience to better support and serve individuals with autism.
Enhance workplace productivity and communication by offering employees a chance to develop a deeper understanding of their autistic colleagues' perspectives and strengths.
Autismity helps you and your audience to experience the sensory aspects of autism yourself.
Seeing the progress my students make is something that truly fulfills me. This progress often doesn’t come easy. My students
Many of us know or have met, a person on the autism spectrum. They might be our family members, coworkers,