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SPOSA Banska Bystrica – Testimonial

We are a regional parental NGO and a member of SPOSA network. The Autism Simulator drew attention to our activities.

As a result, we have experienced an increase in interest in our counseling services and therapies. This new technology attracted young volunteers, mostly students. We prepare them now for their future work with people on the spectrum while using the simulator as part of their training Autismity is a great help when it comes to communication with the non-autistic community We feel that city mayor, local authorities judges teachers, and many others understand our needs better and their attitude has improved

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I was exposed to the theory of autism during college, but I could never fully empathize with what it was really like to hear sounds and see the world through their eyes. Thanks to the simulator, I had the opportunity to get closer to their perception of reality, at least for a while. It was really an experience, although I had respect for all of it “.

As part of its corporate responsibility, Kaufland Slovakia offers opportunities to autistic people, employing them in various positions. 

Through our Autism Simulator, they have a unique opportunity to see the world through the eyes of autistic people and experience their senses firsthand. 

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